28 December 2012

Post Holiday Clean-up

Currently organizing my closet to help me feel less frumpy, and still fighting off this hangover (not from Christmas, but last night rather - too many Manhattans)...
Listening to LCD Soundsystem.
Apparently I have a thing for the muppets....My mood has almost instantaneously improved.

25 December 2012

Favorite Christmas Moments...

So, my tradition is drinking gin and watching adult films for 24-48hrs straight...was slightly awkward when I had roomies. Other than those two things, however, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite Christmas moments...
Hope you all have gotten what you wanted. I know I have. Smiles!

24 December 2012

Happy Christmas!!!

I've begun my holiday drinking binge...sadly Bombay Sapphire was sold out of the liquor store next to me, so I'm having Tanqueray Tonics for the next 24hrs. I doesn't taste as much like Christmas as Sapphire does, but I suppose it will do. (Thankfully I didn't have to pay for it because some creepy man from South Africa bought it...I assume with the hopes of getting laid. He then tried to walk me home and attempted to kiss me...fun times).
I hope you all have a very merry one!

22 December 2012

Happy World's Not Over Day!

Hello Friends,
Yesterday morning as I went to my 5am shift at Starbucks I reveled in the idea of never working another open....guess what, we're all still here (and I still had to work at 5am again this morning). Now if Americans were smart, they would have realized that Australians were still alive and kicking being a day ahead of us, so there was really nothing to worry about. Although in our country's combined mind, we are the only thing tat matters (not my view). I do however, have to give a few points to Jell-O who I think may be trying to find something as interesting as their Cosby commercials. Good job trying to capitalize on that market of fear. I wonder if that actually brought them any more business.
As a perfect beginning to our prospective last day here on earth, I played REM's "It's The End of the World As We Know It" as I greeting my opening counterpart. We both died laughing and then started talking about our End of the World Top Fives. Now, although we're still here, I thought I'd put my lists up for you all.

My Top Five World's Ending I don't know How Far Through This Playlist We'll Get *smiles:
1) It's The End of the World As We Know It - REM
2) We Will Become Silhouettes - The Postal Service
3) Superstition - Stevie Wonder (because I could listen to it on replay for hours - don't judge)
4) While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles (another song I'd have on replay)
5) The End - The Doors (hopefully playing eerily as people vanish)

Glad you all made it!