11 June 2011

Humanity I Love You

I find it so incredibly hilarious how seriously people take themselves and their cause...how self-important we all are. It's baffling. Where has our sense of humor gone? I feel like a court jester somehow...or a carni that sees all the spectacle and tells people to step right up for the show of indie kids taking photos of their emaciated selves or of Lincoln Park moms with $800 strollers ordering their nannies and children around or Business men who never look up from their fucking cell phones whilst ordering beverages (which makes it a tad difficult to understand)...or the hippies who attempt to enlighten, but cannot see beyond their soy milk, dreads and personal funk...or baristas like myself who've become a bit disgruntled and world weary of all of the aforementioned personalities.
It is my wish that people see their own ridiculousness and own it instead of pretending to be perfect (or nearly).

Humanity I love you because when you're hard up, you pawn your intelligence to buy a drink.

e.e. cummings