I'm really tired of judgmental cunts telling me what to feel or not feel....or what to say. If I talk about sex too much for you, talk to someone else. I don't understand why your morals should rule my existence. Why your desires are the only ones that matter is strange to me.
And maybe we haven't had a real conversation in nearly a year because you're always with your live in boyfriend...and when you're not with him, you're talking to him on the phone during the time you've designated for me. That drives me batty!
If being vanilla makes you happy, then do it, but don't expect me to be the same. Don't expect that my conversation will sound like that of a middle aged nun (one that is perfectly happy with their situation that is).
We've ceased to have commonalities...I'm sorry, but it seems that's the case. And that doesn't make me a reprobate - it simply means I've moved on and so have you (just in opposite directions).
1 Aug cannot come soon enough!
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