27 March 2012

I'm from Mars, Men are from Venus...

I seem to take issue with men for all sorts of reasons...
1)All they want is sex...why can't they seem to give a shit about the person it is with?
2)Once they've had it, they seem to leave as soon as they can find whatever shit they've thrown off in the moment...
3) Conversations are only useful if it leads to the aforementioned.
4)They want more than sex and don't just leave when it's over.
5)Once they've had it with someone that matters, they leave no room in which to breath.
6)The most vulnerable conversations they have are after the aforementioned.

Seem circular? I can admit my thought process is slightly skewed. I hate the men who don't want more as jerks, and I despise the men that do labeling them too sensitive. It's a loose, loose situation if you are a man in my life...
Like this poor guy who I'll keep nameless...Minutes ago he came and I was proud of my accomplishment. Shortly after he reached the pinnacle, he said that he really liked me and wants to make this work (essentially - I couldn't cum for the first time in my life and I'm not quite sure why, but I didn't want to completely waste a sexual encounter...so I finished him). The thing is I'm not feeling him....I'm into a couple of other people at present and he just doesn't fit the bill....I don't know why because on paper, we're fantastic together...but I'm just not that into him.
I don't know when the right time to deal with this is, but I felt nauseated as he talked about the allusive 'us'. I'm sure that I've done the same exact thing to some guy who wanted to fuck, but had little other interest in more. I simply don't recall how it was handled and how it made me feel...This is so hard!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed. It appears to be the juxtaposition between a woman's heart and head.

    A friend of mine, sitting at a pub table, looked down into his pint of beer and with an intense, searching frown, shook his head and said: "I don't understand it; tell a woman you want her and she fucks off. Tell her to fuck off and she comes back!"
